miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Wednesday 30 january 2019



The Simple Past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now.
For regular verbs, add -ed to the root form of the verb (or just -d if the root form already ends in an e):
Play→Played Type→Typed Listen→Listened Push→Pushed Love→Loved
For irregular verbs, things get more complicated. The simple past tense of some irregular verbs looks exactly like the root form:
Put→Put Cut→Cut Set→Set Cost→Cost Hit→Hit
For other irregular verbs, including the verb to be, the simple past forms are more erratic:
See→Saw Build→Built Go→Went Do→Did Rise→Rose
Please write in the notebook the picture about Simple Past and bring the list of irregular verbs.

Take from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhDhnaN5o8WmpZew5tXvvl34OBsFAo1brkMdr5mLnjSLX_xhbKjAVJ4yoqpQKeEBudtItThfY97WcHkpZIAc7hnagnh_xcCRZS_7iGshlG1IeOLcQEld7J5Q6InoiAstGKnp3DbUw0yD1s/s1600/PAST+SIMPLE.jpg

Click on here to find a list of irregular in simple past  and past participle form. I hope you find useful to study and learn more vocabulary. http://verbos-irregulares.blogspot.com/2011/05/verbos1.html

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